How to do FaceBook Marketing

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Facebook marketing one of the biggest marketing with social media from the perspective of the user. There are so many different sites out there.That it’s absolutely ridiculous no one can stay on top of all of them managing your login at multiple locations and even figuring out how they all work together is darn near impossible one of the more brilliant moves.That Facebook has had in its history is the idea of Facebook Connect basically what Facebook Connect lets you do is use Facebook’s API and the knowledge that the greatest majority of human beings that are online are using.Facebook and it allows them to use their Facebook login as their login for whatever website interface or program.

You set up so whereas before people would go to Facebook go to a brand page then potentially come back around to Facebook to do the sharing it allows people to go directly to a brand or directly to a resource or a website and well on that website interact with their Facebook account.It basically cut to step out of the equation which makes it far more likely that is people engage with their brand that engagement that interaction will actually show up on Facebook published to their streams and reach their friends and family now the basic way of how it works is fairly simple.

You’re integrating Facebook’s like button or a variety of other Facebook options right into the content on your website.So for example here we have a story from Mash able and at the top it says do you like the story and if you click that like button it’s going to pop up a little option. That you can either just go with hey I liked this or you can actually add some content to the mix you know give it your own description and post it to your Facebook page. When you push that post a Facebook button it’s going to show up there right in your Facebook stream it’s going to publish out for everyone that you’re connected with and again from at base website that the user was choosing to interact with they can very quickly and easily publish things out to their Facebook.

This popping up all over the web you’ll see it on eCommerce sites on content sites pretty much.Everywhere is that ubiquitous little Facebook like buttons that people click.As soon as they click it it broadcasts out to their network hey this is content that these people actually like there’s also the send button where the share button depending on how long ago.It’s been implemented it can actually pop up either way this one you’ll see often times showing up alongside content or videos sometimes on e-commerce sites butusually it’s content and video focus and this basically lets you take the content that you see and send it to Facebook.

Connect with them and follow them now the developers page at Facebook does keep a running tab of all of the social plugins that are available gives you a great walkthrough of what they are how they work and will also help you generate.The code that you need to plug into your web page in order to integrate these different options so you can read to that at developers slash Doc’s slash plugins .The possibilities using Facebook Connect are pretty expensive think from the social gaming platform.

You know think how big social gaming is on Facebook or on mobile apps the fact.You can connect it to a user’s Facebook account and publish updates to their games and they’ve reached such-and-such level or you know they just scored how many points and words with friends all of it gives you the opportunity to tie interactivity with your brand into the Facebook page of the person that you’re dealing with so that again you get some of that social sharing promotion and marketing effort.

Also the ability to have some friend integration you know pulling in the profile the pictures the contact information so think of the example I showed from Pinterest where you can actually go in and see which of your friends are also using Pinterest so that you’re able to connect with them voting systems can come into play here you know basically you can bring people in for polls that say you know hey come and share your opinion on this you.

It’s going to require phone or document verification just prove you are who you say you are then they’ll give you theability to merge it in with the official Facebook page that you’ve created for this business.So that way when people check in and their friends see it if they happen to click on say the Carleton Motel will actually take them to the Facebook page for the Carlton Hotel rather than just the standard listing.

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